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13 Questions to Ask a Real Estate Agent When Selling Your Home

Feature image for Chisum Realty Group's blog on 13 Questions to Ask a Real Estate Agent When Selling Your Home in Angel Fire, Red River or Taos, New Mexico

When selling your home, a Realtor’s word-of-mouth reputation and personal references are important, but choosing a Realtor should be seen, first and foremost, as a business decision. Your Realtor is your representative with whom you will share a lot of time as well as personal and financial information with, so it needs to be someone you feel comfortable with and trust. It’s smart to be choosy! A great Realtor can help sell your home faster, and for more money. Choose poorly, and your listing might become stale, then the lowballing bargain hunters come circling—it’s not pretty.

With this in mind, interviewing potential Realtors is a critical, but often overlooked, step in the process of selling your home. We recommend interviewing three different brokerages to see who aligns best with you personally and professionally. Below are some common interview questions to guide you on the quest to sell your home.

  1. How many homes have you sold in the last year?
  2. Are you a year round resident and full time realtor?
  3. What sets you apart from other realtors?
  4. What are the market conditions and how does it effect me?
  5. How close to the asking price have you gotten for the homes you have sold?
  6. What is the average number of days it takes you to sell a home?
  7. What strategies will you use to market my home?
  8. What marketing strategies are unique to you?
  9. Do you have a professional photographer?
  10. Do you work as part of a team?
  11. What kind of support do you have to help you handle all your transactions?
  12. What will you charge to sell my home and why?
  13. How will you communicate with me regarding the progress of my home’s sale?

When you’re ready to sell your home, Chisum Realty Group would like to interview to be your Realtor. Contact one of our Listing Specialists at 575.377.2321 to learn what makes us different.

21 Responses to “13 Questions to Ask a Real Estate Agent When Selling Your Home”

  • Mark Murphy
    Written on

    I really appreciate your tip to ask what kind of marketing strategy your realtor is going to use when they sell your house. My wife and I have been thinking of getting a new house, and we are concerned that no one will see our current house on the market. I will be sure to ask our realtor how they will market our house!

    • Tara Chisum
      Written on

      Thanks Mark for the comment and we’re glad you found the information useful. Where are you located? If needed, we would be happy to suggest a quality Realtor in your area.

  • Thanks to this website for bringing comprehensive information to the audience and adding new things to the Internet. Hope to get more of this line of information in future as well.

  • Steele Honda
    Written on

    Thanks for pointing out that interviewing potential Realtors is a critical, but often overlooked, step in the process of selling your home. My husband and I are thinking about buying a new home because we want a bigger space to live in instead of the small apartment we have right now. I think that interviewing a real estate agent would be smart so that we could choose who could help us find the right house for us and help make the process a little bit easier.

    • Tara Chisum
      Written on

      We’re glad you found this information useful! All Realtors are not created equal and you have to comfortable with whomever you choose.

  • Sophia Slate
    Written on

    Thank you for stating that when hiring a real estate agent, you should ask them if they work with a team. My husband and I are tired of living in a small apartment and want to buy a house, and need a real estate agent to help us. I will definitely keep all of your great tips and information in mind when hiring a real estate agent.

  • Sadie Johnson
    Written on

    Thank you for stating that when hiring a real estate agent, you need to figure out what sets them apart from the rest. My husband recently just got a job promotion in a different state, and we need to move soon, so we need to sell our house as fast as possible. I will definitely keep all of your great tips in mind when trying to find a reputable real estate agent to assist us in selling our house. 

  • Charlotte Fleet
    Written on

    I like that you mention that you should look into ask your real estate agent how many homes they have sold in the past year. My husband and I have been wanting to get a new house for a while I think we should look into finding a professional real estate agent with experience selling homes that can help us.

  • Shaylee Packer
    Written on

    As you mentioned, it is important to ask the realtor if they have a professional photographer that they work with. When people are looking at houses, the picture can greatly impact if people take the next step to come look at the home. I will have to keep this in mind as we get closer to selling our home.

  • Charlotte Fleet
    Written on

    Thank you for explaining that you should look into finding a professional with experience and that it is alright to ask about their previous deals and how houses have been sold. My husband and I are ready to sell our home in order to move into a new house better for our family. I think we should find some real estate agents that can help us know where to start.

  • Rebecca Gardner
    Written on

    I like your suggestion to ask any real estate agent we’re considering how many homes they’ve sold within the last year. My husband and I want to find an agent to help us sell our house soon so we can move to an area with more moderate weather. I wasn’t sure what questions to ask potential real estate agents before reading your article, so the advice you shared here will be really helpful!

  • Rosie Beckett
    Written on

    You make a very good point that it’s important to interview potential real estate agents so that you can ask questions about their experience, including finding out how many homes they have sold this past year. My parents are thinking about selling their large 4 bedroom home and moving to a condo on the beach when they retire next year, and I will share this information with them!

  • Richard Morrison
    Written on

    A good real estate agent will always tell you the truth either you want to heart it or not. To try to ask the truth and confirm it. This article is really good and we get a lot of information by just reading these questions.

  • Adam Golightly
    Written on

    My aunt has been thinking about selling her home because she really wants to downgrade now that all of her kids are out of the home. Getting a professional to help her sell her home faster could be really useful for her. I’ll be sure to tell her how she needs to ask them how long it takes them to sell a home, how many homes they have sold, if they work in a team, and what sets them apart.

  • Eileen Benson
    Written on

    Thanks for the tip to ask them what sets them apart from other realtors to help us make our choice. My brother and his wife have decided to sell their current home and find a smaller one now that all their kids have moved out. I’ll have to pass along this advice so they can use your suggested questions to choose a realty service in their area more confidently!

  • Estate Agent Kabir
    Written on

    Thanks a lot, Tara Chisum. I was really looking for such an article. Because as an estate agent I should also prepare to face these questions as well. Will try my best to make my client clear about these important topics. Such a Helpful content for me.

  • Chris Pederson
    Written on

    I never thought about how interviewing Realtors is an important step in selling or buying a home. Honestly, I was planning on just hiring the first person I found. Now I can see why that wouldn’t be very advantageous for me in the long run.

  • Ellen E. McCullers
    Written on

    One of the best and comprehensive article on ask a Real Estate agent when selling your home, I am bookmarking it so I can read it again. Thank you author, you really inspired me to learn more.

  • Tex Hooper
    Written on

    I like what you said about getting a realtor who works as part of a team. I need to get a new house in Dallas for my new job. I’ll have to consider getting a realtor to sell my house this month.

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