July Events in Angel Fire.
Summer is here and we’re loving it. Get outside and enjoy our amazing summer weather.
July 4:
79th Annual 4th of July Parade and Activities (Red River)
Independence Day Celebration and Fireworks (Eagle Nest)
July 5:
Cool Summer Nights Concert Series (Katy P & The Business)
July 6:
Free Monthly Veteran’s Luncheon
July 6:
Billy Dawson’s 5th Annual Nashville to New Mexico (Eagle Nest)
July 6-7:
July 10:
July 11-14:
Michael Martin Murphey’s American West Fest (Red River)
July 12:
Cool Summer Nights Concert Series (Donnie Lee Strickland)
July 14:
July 16-21:
Wild River’s Plein Air Festival (Red River)
July 19:
Cool Summer Nights Concert Series (Felix Y Los Gatos)
July 20:
July 25:
Chamber Member Premiere Night Spotlight on FNB New Mexico
July 26:
Cool Summer Nights Concert Series (Sim Balkey)
July 27-28:
High Country Arts & Crafts Fest
July 31:
Recurring Events:
June 4-August 26 (Mondays)
June 6-October 10 (Every other Thursday)
Ladies Intermediate Clinic Series
June 15-August 31 (Saturdays, Red River)
June 16-July 30 (Sundays)
Angel Fire Art + Farmers’ Market
Did we miss an event? Feel free to email us a jim@chisumgroup.com and we’ll be happy to add it.